* What is a traffic exchange? Its a place where you can surf websites + earn credits while doing so
& add your website to be shown to other surfers
* I do not have any websites to show
why would I want to surf? You may find some interesting sites while surfing
* Can anyone join? Yes, anyone can join. The only requirement is that you agree to the terms of service. By signing up as a member and using TrafficStruck means you have agreed to the terms of TrafficStruck.com and that you are bound by those same terms.
* Will the upgraded members sites be shown more often? Yes but this can not be avoided as they help support the site
* How do I surf? Click on manual surf in the drop menu under the tools tab Then click on the corresponding number when the timer runs out
* What does active referral mean? Once a new member surfs at least 120 pages they are considered active.